Cross Training and the Benefits for Women

What is Cross Training and what are the Benefits for Women?

Cross Training is an exercise regimen that includes using different forms of exercise to improve overall performance – in your chosen sport or in your favorite class.  Cross training will improve your body by keeping various muscle groups fresh and fit, while variety in the workout routine helps to prevent overuse injuries.

When you only do one kind of fitness activity – such as running or weight lifting, and you only work on the muscles involved in that sport, you will usually be in great shape for that specific endeavor. Plus, when you restrict yourself to one type of exercise, you will eventually reach a point where you will maintain your level of fitness rather than improving it. Conversely, cross training will help build balanced, physical proficiency, thereby increasing your overall level of fitness and preparing you for a wide range of activities.

Benefits of Cross Training

  • works different muscle groups

  • reduces the risk of injury

  • lessens the chance of boredom

  • improves skill, agility and balance

  • helps break weight loss plateaus

exerciseBecky Tainter