+ What are your typical holiday hours?
We base our holiday hours on attendance from previous years and on who is in town staff wise. We always change the voice mail the week of a holiday, post it on the door, and have it posted on our calendar.
+ I’ve been burned by gyms in the past. They told me I was only signing up for a certain period, but before I knew it I had committed to 5 years! How does it work with your facility?
We offer both short term and long term offers. We always tell people that if they do the long term (one year) they have the option to continue on a month to month basis at the same rate, or have it be non renewable
+ What if I want to come to just a few of the classes but not have a full membership.
We offer a class card option to our facility, so you can do whichever plan works for you. We also have a drop in per class option.
+ How often can i come to the gym?
You are welcome to come every day!.
+ How do i pay for membership?
You can pay with a credit card, check or cash.
+ What makes you different from other gyms?
We want our customers to attend the gym. We don’t just want to take your $ and never see you again! If you attend the gym, you feel better and are healthier, are taking steps to take care of yourself, and if you are happy then you tend to stay for a while! We also strive to reach out to people we haven’t seen in a while either via e-mail or a friendly phone call. Sometimes that is all it takes to get somebody back in the door.
+ What is the average age of most of your members?
We have all ages, all fitness levels… a little bit of everything! We offer classes and fitness programs for all needs, and we are happy to help you figure out what path you need to take in order to get your fitness routine started. Our minimum age to participate is 15.
+ What do i wear?
You wear whatever is comfortable to you. A t-shirt and shorts is fine… leggings… depending on what you are doing it might be a good idea to wear a sports bra. You need proper footwear to be in the weights and cardio area. You also need proper footwear for the classes. Yoga and Pilates are the only classes where you do not wear shoes. – See more at:
+ How busy does the gym get after work?
The gym gets busy after the 5:30 time, especially on Mondays (making up for the weekend!), but there is still always room to move. There is plenty of room in the classes and plenty of room to move around downstairs. Everyone works well together with the space in order to accommodate each other.
+ Do classes ever get canceled at the last minute?
We rarely cancel a class. There is always someone 99% of the time who can sub a class out in case there is a last minute instructor emergency.
+ I thought I was in good shape! Why is pilates so hard?
Anytime you try something new that your body is not used to it is going to need some practice. You are using muscles you have probably not used in a while, if ever, and are doing movements you have never done. If you stick with it and are consistent, even if it’s once a week, you will start feeling stronger and see the results you want to see… stronger back, stronger core, longer, leaner, and hopefully a little more toned in the ab region!.
+ I’ve never done kickboxing. Is there a beginner class?
Most of our classes are all levels, and we always tell people to ‘do what you can.’ If you come to half a class (the 1st half!) and that is all you can do… that’s ok! Do what you can. You will build strength and endurance over time, and if you push yourself too much you could get hurt. You are always welcome to leave a class early if need be. It is your class… your time.
I would recommend not coming to an advanced class for your first time (advanced with choreography or endurance level) until you have tried a class or two that will help get you in better condition.
+ How often does the schedule of classes change?
It stays the same b/c everything is doing so well! If anything we try to add classes as we grow our membership base.
+ The last trainer I had put me on the treadmill for half of our session. He would leave me to walk at my own pace and then go make a cell call. Do you do this?
No. If we put you on a treadmill it is with a plan of action in mind… making it harder… inclining… running… etc. We also use other creative ways to incorporate cardio drills into your workout. – See more at:
+ Are they timely for their appointments?
Absolutely! We start on time and give our full attention to you during your session. It is our goal to help you reach your goals in a successful manner.
+ How experienced are your trainers?
They are all properly certified. They have years of experience and bring other skill sets to the table such as pilates, yoga, etc.
+ Do you have a time limit on how long a child can stay in childcare?
We have a general two hour limit. During busy times we may have to instill a rule so that all moms get a chance to workout. We also keep the child’s needs in mind. The mom may be able to go for an hour and a half, but if the child is ‘done’ after an hour… then it might be time to go.
+ My child has a runny nose. Can he come to childcare?
If your childcare has something contagious, or is obviously sick, then no, they are not allowed to come to childcare. We keep it as germ free as possible by not allowing sick children (not even a cold!), constantly wiping down everything, and not allowing food.
+ How full does your childcare get? What is the limit?
We don’t set a limit… of course that doesn’t mean we let 20 kids in there… but the limit is determined by the ages and personalities of the kids that are in the room. You could have 10 good older kids and be fine. You could have a mix of 8 toddlers and have your hands full. The childcare attendant always lets the person up front know when they have reached their max. This rarely happens, but when it does the front desk person will go help out in the kids room so two adults are present. We strive to have a balance of classes available for members to attend so that the childcare #’s stay steady throughout the shift.
+ What type of references do you use for your childcare employees?
We use referrals, call references, and have an extensive interview process.