Teaches |  Kickboxing, Step, Sculpt, Cardio Burn & Cycle

Teaching Style | High-energy, spirited, motivational teaching with options for higher and lower impact. My classes tend to integrate high-intensity interval training with cardio and sculpting so you feel and see the results faster, but there is always the option to work at a lower intensity and still get a good workout.

Why I Enjoy Teaching Kickboxing

I love a workout that empowers you! Why do it if it doesn’t make you feel good about yourself? That doesn’t mean we don’t feel silly sometimes or laugh at ourselves – the humor can make it even more empowering, especially in group exercise. I believe in challenging clients and myself as the instructor to try new things and keep the body guessing! My favorite thing about kickboxing is that you work at your own pace, at your own level, and use the stress from your day to motivate you to release all of that energy in a positive way.

Words of Wisdom

Try new things and don’t be afraid to “mess up” or to laugh. Honor yourself for the commitment you’ve made to your body, your health and your well-being: at the beginning, end and all throughout the workout. Listen to your body and what it needs, but don’t listen to the little voice that says, “You can’t.” Do what you can, when you can, where you can, with what you can – and then do more next time.


I am from New Orleans, Louisiana and have lived in Georgia about 20 years. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Certified Personal Training and Fitness Instructor (AFAA). I have been teaching step, kickboxing, cycle, sculpt and aerobics classes for about 12 years. I became certified to teach fitness in 2003, inspired by the classes I was taking as a member at Powerlady Fitness! I have two little girls who love to play at the gym.