Child Care at Powerlady Fitness

Your child care choice is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.

We are proud to offer services to mothers who need someone loving and caring to watch their children while they are taking time to exercise.

Our childcare staff has many years of experience working with children. We strive to provide a safe, clean and fun environment. We believe that happy kids make happy members.

Monday – Friday  
Monday – Thursday  
Saturday & Sunday

9:00am -11:30am
4:30pm - 7pm
10:00am - 1:00pm

Basic Child Care Rules


  • All mothers must sign in their children when they come into the childcare room.
  • No food or drink allowed of any kind in the room.
  • No gum allowed in the room.
  • It is the mother’s responsibility to change and dispose of any dirty diapers.
  • If your child appears to be sick or have a cold please do not bring them to the club.
  • Members’ children only (no neighbors, cousins, etc).

Childcare Cost

$10 a month for unlimited visits (each additional child $5) or $5 drop in per visit


Let’s keep the club a safe, clean and fun place for the children!!